Tiny Mind Gazette: Satire + a (serious) experiment in social media

Guest blog from EYMER Design:In November of 2009, EYMER DESIGN Laboratories + Think Tank developed a Social Media Test Kitchen, the Tiny Mind Gazette (www.tinymindgazette.com). The TMG is a TypePad blog that is interconnected to Facebook and Twitter.The content is provided by various designers/writers as a creative outlet of free expression. Much of the content is provided by my fellow Cohasset (Massachusetts) resident, Sally Sisson. Sally is a creative content developer for mostly Business-to-Business and Educational Companies. Sally and I first met through Facebook and discussed the possibility of starting a blog, loosely based on our charming New England town of approximately 7000 residents. Picture in your mind, Lake Wobegon seen through the eyes of The Onion or Spy Magazine of the 1980-1990s.Read more and see graphs of page view and click stats at:Tiny Mind Gazette Initiative: a statistical snapshotimages